Saturday, July 12, 2008

I've seen the future... gooseberries. When I arrived at the plot this morning, I spotted some gooseberries and peas that needed picking (see piccie below).

The gooseberry harvest isn't bad considering I only bought and planted the bush earlier this year. I tried a berry first though as I had never eaten a red gooseberry before. You really can eat them raw - not sour at all. I opened one of the pea pods up and had a taste of my first maincrop peas. Well, at least I think they were maincrop. They tasted amazing.

It is a bit damp today and has been raining much of the week I think. Perfect for a spot of hand-weeding though. This morning, I focused on weeding the three sisters bed. However, as only about 2 bean plants have actually emerged, it is more like a two sisters bed. There might still be time for beans though. There are a couple more flowers among the courgettes and I can see a small round courgette growing on one of the plants and a small yellow one on another. I can't wait to harvest my first courgettes.

I'm not sure how the weather is going to be for the rest of the day. If I get chance to go back over to the plot, I need to weed the onion bed - you cannot even see the onions right now. I'll also need to tend to the tomatoes by pinching out any sideshoots and planting some basil as a companion. I am pleased to hear that the tomato plants I gave to friends a couple of months ago are doing really well. Apparently, they are sturdy-looking and flowering nicely. Let's just hope they fruit.

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