Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tubers revealed

I hadn't been over to the plot for a couple of weeks as I was laid up with a nasty cold. It was lovely to get some fresh air at the 'lotment today though. The ground was wet this morning with some drizzle but it cleared up a bit in the afternoon.

I was planning on cutting down the Jerusalem artichoke stems and was considering harvesting a few tubers. As it was, when I arrived, one of the bigger stems had been blown over revealing some its tubers. Bingo! I cut down the stems and lay them over the ground to keep off hard frost.

I checked Bed 7 to see how the sprouts were doing. I picked a handful (literally) as some were already looking blown. I also pulled up a cabbage and cut off a few small florets from the remaining calabrese plant going to seed. After washing the artichokes and a spot of raking over what was Bed 1, I left with my harvest.

The artichokes are now in a large batch of Jerusalem artichoke and carrot soup (some for me and some for my lovely neighbour who brought me soup when I needed it last week) and the calabrese florets are in my tummy.


Matron said...

I love Jerusalem artichokes! Your soup sounds wonderful, I bet it was lovely. You reminded me, I need to dig mine up soon!

FlowerPowerGirl said...

The soup was good, thanks Matron. I hope you enjoy yours. If you think of more imaginative uses of the tubers in the kitchen, please let me know.