Monday, October 14, 2013

Vampires beware...

...the garlic is coming for you!  I spent some time on the allotment this morning and it was a tad nippy.  Well, not that cold but I wasn't dressed for it.  I need to dig out my fleece from the loft.

I put in 8 cloves of Elephant Garlic (2 of these were 'rounds' from this year's attempt at growing them), 30 cloves of Solent Wight, 30 cloves of Early Purple and 15 cloves of Lautrec Wight.  Some of the Lautrec Wight cloves were a tad small and a couple were discarded because they were a bit soft.  The rest looked good.

So the Lautrec is a hardneck so will apparently develop a flowering stalk that should be harvested as soon as it appears and used in a stir fry.  I must remember that as it could result in the bulb doubling in size.

I measured the length of the plot with a bamboo cane which I think is a 180cm one.  Not including the end bit for storage and composting, it is 7 canes long (12.6m).  I measured 3 canes for the length of the top two quadrants and 3 for the bottom ones, leaving a 1 cane strip in the middle for fruit.  So I'll plant some fruit bushes and raspberry canes down that strip, leaving a gap down the centre for strolling, watering and inspecting.  

I cut down the sweetcorn and will dug over that small patch later in the week.  There appear to be a couple of baby squash growing but I can't see that they have time to mature before the frost sets in.

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