Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hurrah for the start of BST!

Well, I only got round to sorting out the compost today. My other half mowed the lawn and I went to the 'lotment to empty out the compost and start all over again. There were some twigs and bits of cardboard that hadn't quite broken down so I just added them to the new compost heap. The grass cuttings have really started things off - giving it all some substance.

My first job of today was to visit Jekka's Herb Farm near Bristol - hardly a chore though. It was an open day and I fancied getting some herbs - mainly things that are not easy to get at common-or-garden garden centres. I got some seakale (just peaking through), some pink and blue hyssops (apparently these attract cabbage white fly away from cabbages), orange-scented thyme and a few other things. These are sitting in the cold frame for me to plant out in a couple of weekends' time.

As for the parsnips I was pre-chitting...I have obviously done something wrong. I think it was the top covering of damp kitchen paper. Some of the seeds got a little mouldy. It might have been the warmth of the airing cupboard. Or a combination of the two. Only about 10% of the seeds germinated (10 White Gem and 8 Avonresister). I put out those that did out on the allotment in the prepared bored holes. I will try pre-chitting some fresh ones again this week or next and will not cover them with paper. I am guessing that there is plenty of moisture in the layer of damp paper underneath them. I am impressed that some of the White Gem produced roots, given their age.

While my hands were muddy, I potted up some Anya potatoes on the garden patio. They had been in the boot of my car for a bit too long so were a bit soft. There were lots of little shoots though.

I will not be able to get to the allotment next weekend but the one after that will be busy. I really need to sow some peas and potatoes.

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