Saturday, July 3, 2010

Garlic, anyone?

Quick note to mention that I harvested the garlic this evening. I have tied the stems up in different sets according to variety so I may do a taste test at some point. At the very least, I'll compare them for size and quantity for future reference.

I also did some weeding, a drop in the ocean, and watered the parsnip bed. It might have been my imagination but I thought I saw a single seedling in one of the stations.

An awful thing happened on Plot 35 earlier in the week. I went over there earlier in the week just to do a quick check and I saw that a snake had got caught up in some of netting and died in the heat. I feel awful about it. I untangled it and then buried it. I mentioned it to one of my fellow plotters and he said that at least it showed that there are those nice snakes around and that our plots provide a habitat of some kind. Not sure what can be done to prevent the same thing happening again though - netting is necessary to keep the rabbits and pigeons of the brassicas.

I did also manage to harvest a single cauliflower (no improvement on last year), 4 globe artichokes, a handful of blackcurrants and some second early spuds.

And I am currently considering the purchase of a cordless strimmer. Ummm...


Sue Garrett said...

I'd love to find a snake on our plot - but alive of course - I'd have been upset too to find a dead one.

Just pulled half of our garlics too.

Shaheen said...

Sorry to read about the snake, but its good news that the allotment site is a home to some of them.

My garlic was poor, happy to read yours were much better though.