Sunday, June 7, 2009

I had a few hours to garden today after a lovely friend's hen do. It had rained quite a lot in the last few days so the ground was a bit sticky but there wasn't too much stuck to my shoes.

On the plot, I planted out some Brussel sprouts, calabrese, cabbage and Swiss chard in Bed 7. Before placing each plant in its new home, I sprinkled in some lime and dried blood and bone meal (yuk). Hopefully this will get them off to a good start. Some slug pellets to protect them before covering them with cloches. Fingers crossed that the rabbits don't get a look in.

In Bed 2, I sowed some kohl rabi (Blusta), swede (Invitation) and beetroot (Boltardy). After that, I did a spot of weeding which was easy-peasy with damp soil. A bit of space in Bed 6 was cleared, near the path, for the two cucumber plants.

I replaced the fleece around the climbing beans in Bed 3 with that bright orange stuff to give them a bit more light. One of the bean plants is in flower (gorgeous bright red) though it is not very tall yet. Next door, the broad bean plants are starting to produce beans.

Back home, I had just enough compost to sow the following seeds:

- parsnips (Tender and True)
- broccoli (F1 Claret)
- Florence Fennel (Sirio)
- lettuce (All The Year Round)
- Winter savoury

I resowed some rocket seed in one of the troughs on the patio.

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