Monday, July 7, 2008

On and off...

This past weekend was very strange weatherwise. Sunny one minute, rain the next, then back to sun, before another short spell of rain. I went in a shop when the sun was shining, browsed a little bit, then left the shop to find that it was very sunny but that the ground was very wet. That's how quick the showers came and went but it continued in that vein for much of the weekend so I didn't think I'd get any gardening done.

It was my birthday on the Sunday and I got a hanging basket from my outlaws (thank you - the flowers are lovely!). While I await the fixing of a bracket onto the wall (it is clearly a man-job) I set about weeding the pots and flower bed at the front of the house. I have left these to go a bit wild with grass and dead tulips. I dug up the bulbs and replanted them in groups. I hope they live to tell the tale.

I did get to do a spot of gardening on the allotment later that day. I planted some brussel sprout plants (which I bought off eBay), dug up some potatoes and weeded some of the brassicas. The sweetcorn is looking stockier alongside the courgettes and squashes which also seem to be growing nicely. I think I saw a flower forming on one of the courgette plants. I'll need to weed round them next weekend if I get the chance. I just sprinkled some slug pellets round them (organic, mind!) as they seem to have been doing the trick but have washed away a bit with all the rain. The current forecast is for rain on Saturday and sun on Sunday.

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