Sunday, February 19, 2023


Yesterday, I stayed at home so aimed to tidy up the pots in the back garden.  I also wanted to check the underneath of pots for flatworm.  Some of the pots did have a flatworm underneath (nearly always a solitary one), including the Blueberry pot next to the bench.  None of the pots on the other side of the steps did though.  None were found under pots that were drier which is perhaps not surprising.  I emptied some of the pots and have separated out the contents of the pots under which a flatworm was lurking.  I am not sure about what to do with the material - I’ll probably reuse in the back garden pots, mixed with fresh home-made compost, to avoid spreading the issue further.

The pots against the north-facing fence needed clearing from the dead Ivy leaves from above, stemming from next door.  When half-way through the pots along that fence, I took a proper look and saw how congested the Ivy was.  I pulled at a few of the stems and discovered that much of it is coming through the fence from the bottom and mid-way up, rather than coming from over the top.  In the end, I ripped it all off the fence.  The plant materials is piled up on our lawn.  I need to chop it all up over the next week and get it rotting down - some at home and some at the allotment.  With the fence cleared, I’ll have another think about what can do up against it food-wise.  Likely some hybrid berries from the plot.

Today, I had a couple of hours at the plot and the day was lovely and Spring-like.  I focused on tidying up the Boysenberries and clearing the ground in front of them.  Photos of before and after below.


Next week, I’ll be sowing some leafy crops at home and laying down some paths and compost onto Bed 4.

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