Monday, April 13, 2009

Pretty tulips

Not a huge amount to report from my plot today. There was even less cloud in the sky today (sorry, Soilman, over in the East) and it was a bit warmer - up to 17 degrees I think. I spent a couple of hours this afternoon digging up the last of the baby leeks and sowing some parsnips in their place. 2-4 seeds were sown in each station which had been made by first dibbing a 4 inch hole (I couldn't dib any deeper as the ground was quite hard) and then filling it with compost. After sowing the seed and covering it with 1cm or so of more compost, all stations were watered liberally. I thought that this week was a good week for sowing parsnips as we are expecting rain on Wednesday and Thursday and that should help to keep them damp if I can't get to them midweek.

No piccies from Plot 35 today but check out the pretty tulips on another plot...

V. inspiring. Must get some flowers into Bed 1 asap.

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