Friday, July 10, 2009

Good neighbours

I feel like I've hardly been on the plot this past month. I am looking forward to at least 1 decent session on it this weekend. It might rain tomorrow so Sunday looks like the best bet. For my birthday earlier in the week, a friend gave me a fridge magnet which said "God made rainy days so that gardeners can get the housework done". So true. The weather does tend to dictate the state of our house.

I made a trip over to the plot this evening. Among the mess, a couple of exciting things to note. The 2 cucumber plants in Bed 6 look like they are beginning to fruit (my first cucumbers!) and there looks to be at least 1 courgette that might be ready to pick in a few days. Well, I think it is exciting ;-) I focused on cutting the couch grass on some of the paths to clear the way for weeding and hoeing the beds later in the weekend.

A couple of fellow allotmenteers were about this evening. A chap with a plot 3 or 4 away from mine came over to say that he is going to be on hols for 2 weeks and that I'd be welcome to harvest any of the courgettes that grow during that time. That should tide me over nicely which I am waiting for mine to kick off. I will keep an eye on anything on his plot that needs watering.

Before the light started to fade and some darker clouds came in, I decided to leave. I quickly watered (and fed) the cucumbers and tomatoes. I need to read into stopping the upwards growth of the tomatoes to encourage ripening.

Must take some photos this weekend...

1 comment:

Shaheen said...

Happy belated Birthday FlowerPowerGirl,

Enjoy the courgettes, they'll be coming fast now.