Before getting to the plot, I didn't know what to tackle but as soon as I arrived, Bed 7 called to me. Check out the state of it in the piccie below, bearing in mind that the green compost bin should be almost in the middle of the bed if the bed is to extend the side of the plot.
After lots of digging and pulling as well as a bit of trimming and hoeing, this is how it looked.
I uncovered two metal tubes/bins which were full of rubbish (e.g. shreds of plastic bag). although the larger one did contain some composted material which I spread of the uncovered end of the bed. I am quite pleased with the result. The piccie below shows the full length of Bed 7.
The compost bin will be moved in a week or so. I can't actually remember what Bed 7 is supposed to planted up with so I will look back at my previous blog posts to find out.
The patch of rampant comfrey near the shed is flowering like mad and entertaining the bees.
When I got back home, while my hands were dirty, it seemed a good time to check out the pumpkin seed that has failed to germinate on a windowsill upstairs. I poked around to find a seed in one of the pots. I found it and it seemed intact. However, I gave it a squeeze and this putrid smelling white stuff came out. I guess that means it is rotten. It was horrible - not what I expected I'll start some fresh seed off in clean pots.
You have been busy. I am envious of your good weather, send some sun up this way or at least take some of the rain away.
Shame about your pumpkin seeds, but look on the bright side you still have time to plant some more!
Sorry to hear that the weather has been crappy for you. Fingers crossed that tomorrow will be better.
Yes, you're so right, there is still time for me to get some more pumpkins going. I often leave things too late so it makes a change for me to have time to start again.
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