Sunday, May 17, 2009

Off-plot weeding

This weekend was one for cooking and lunching with lovely friends as well as wardrobe weeding (decluttering to fill up some charity bags), which was just as well given the weather. Yesterday alternated between sunshine and heavy rain with occasional hail. It rained pretty much all day today so I didn't go over to the plot until 1700.

I raked around the broad beans and staked one of the plants up as it was bent right over. There are now three nice marigolds flowering among them.

I did some hand-weeding around the 5-6 of Spring Onions in Bed 2 that have managed to come up (not sure whether the others that were sown went). Some of the parsnip seedlings have formed true leaves so things are looking good there.

After about an hour, the wind picked up and the sky went grey so I came home. I put the sweetcorn seedlings in the coldframe to harden off before planting next weekend. There are signs of germination upstairs on the windowsill where the cucurbits are. No signs of anything happening with the mushrooms but it is probably a bit too soon.

Next weekend, I must restart the compost heap with grass cuttings, brown leaves, comfrey cuttings and soaked nettles. And plant out the sweetcorn and some of the cucurbits.

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